OnTarget – The Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) Solution
OnDataSuite is a TEA approved Technical Assistance Service Provider to School Districts for the TIA Process. OnTarget, a recent addition to OnDataSuite, has been developed specifically to facilitate districts with the TIA process and has developed some valuable reports to help districts fill this need including:
Student Growth Measure Report – Offers two distinct views:
- Overall Student growth for a campus or district.
- Individual student growth by teacher.
Student Group Comparison Report – Uses statistical analysis to compare scores including:
- Comparison of the Sample to the state – helps you see how your district/campus/grade level/teacher compare to the total tested population in the state.
- Comparison of same students over time – Helps you see if students are really growing on both State and Local Assessments
- Comparison of one group to another – Helps you see how your campuses/grade levels/teachers compare to each other.
Standard Scores Subject Comparison Report – This report places student scores on a standard scale to allow you to compare student performance on 2 distinct STAAR test including:
- Year to year Comparison
- Subject to subject comparison.
Teacher Observation and STAAR Performance Correlation Report – Assist districts to determine if there is a relationship between Teacher observation Scores (T-TESS) and student performance on the STAAR Assessments including by
- Campus /appraiser / subject area / grade level
Local Assessment Analysis Report – Allows user to evaluate your locally developed assessments for validity and reliability. Better tests can significantly improve student outcomes for State assessments.
These reports listed represent only a small number of the reports available in OnTarget. Come and see all that OnTarget has to offer.